Installing Spark – Hadoop for R in Manjaro Linux

Recently, my interest stumbled on a website ( that made me want to learn more about big data analytics with Hadoop and Spark using R. The choice of interface for learning Big Data Analytics using Hadoop and Spark is more than one, usually using python but I don’t have any experience with python and I don’t want to mess up my working computer environment. So, I decided to jump on and ready to make my hand dirty when preparing the environment

So, I follow the instructions written on the web, the first obstacle is to install Hadoop through sparklyr library. Either my connection is not good enough or the repository mirror is not tolerate the delay, and the download process of spark-3.2.3-bin-hadoop2.7 was unsuccessful. Poking around with how to install Spark-Hadoop and then found a clue that I can install it another way. Here are the steps that I has been done to make the Spark – Hadoop work with R in my Manjaro Linux;

  1. Install the sparklyr library using install.packages(“spraklyr”)
  2. Load the library -> library(sparklyr)
  3. check the available spark-Hadoop version using spark_available_version()
Fig 1. spark available version

4. The newest version is spark 3.3, but if I try to download it, it gave an error message

5. so, I use version 3.2 and execute the spark_install(version=”3.2″)

fig 2. failed to download spark-hadoop

Fig 2 shows that the spark-hadoop download process failed. But, I’ve got the link for downloading the file, so I do download the file using the web browser, then put the file in the working directory where you want to work with.

6. load the sparklyr library and then execute spark_install_tar(“<file name>”).

7. the installation process will begin then after finishing you can use the spark-hadoop for learning big data analytics.

Note: Don’t forget to check your JDK version according to the book, it uses the openjdk8. if your java version is higher, consider downgrading the java and setup the environment variable of your system.

Setup Multifunction Printer Epson L3110 on Manjaro Linux

Having a multi function device such as multi function printer (print, scan, and copy) is like having a handy tool at hand. When my printer and scanner was broken, I decided to buy a multi function printer despite buying separate scanner and printer. The decision I made to buy the multi function printer based on the ink price which is not too expensive and physically is not take place too much.

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How to Install WordPress in Korora/Fedora

It has been a long time not write for this blog because I’m busy with my project and this is a documentation of what I have been done in the past few months to develop a website for a friend of mine. Luckily, WordPress helps me a lot when come to a simple and easy way for website development.  In this article, I will describe how to install WordPress in my system to provide a separate website with different themes configuration.

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How to make rhythmbox minimize in systray on Korora/Fedora

Rhythmbox is one of many music player and management that popular in Linux especially in Gnome environment. During its evolution, the development team decided to remove the ability to minimize the rhythmbox into systray. If you are new user of rhythmbox and found its behaviour is not like exaile which can be minimize to systray, don’t worry about this too much.

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How to install Netbeans 8.1 in Korora/Fedora

Netbeans is an IDE that can be use for write various program such as java application, HTML5/Javascript, PHP, and C/C++. The important requirement for being able to run Netbeans is jdk and the default jdk for netbeans according to its documentation is Oracle-jdk (see this page). So, what happen if we use the Openjdk that comes with our distribution as a default jdk?

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Installing Cordova CLI in Korora/Fedora

Cordova is a platform for creating a mobile applications using web technology (javascript, css, and html). By using cordova you can write the application once and then deploy it for more than one mobile platform (android, ios, windows mobile, blackberry,  etc.). You can read about cordova by clicking this link to get more information about the history and related stuff.  This article will give you a how-to guide to install cordova cli (command line interface) in you Korora/Fedora machine.

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How to setup your Fedora/Korora for Android development environment

In mobile world, android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems. Android could be like now because of Google good strategy by providing the android development kit not for specific operating system. So, in return many people can develop applications for android and then put it in the Google play no matter what operating system they use.

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How to activate ‘hibernate’ in Korora/Fedora

Hibernate or suspend to disk in computing can be known as powering down computer and retaining its state. In the hibernate state, the operating system save the contents of RAM into a hard disk or non-volatile things then power down the machine.

Sometimes when we seriously working on something suddenly a serious things occurs (like have to move to another place, need to do something important, etc.). Of course in this moment we doesn’t want to lose what we have done and have to keep our working state. When this things happen, we can use the hibernate function to retain our works which is still in RAM into a hard disk. After the serious things is finished we can get back to work and all the conditions of the computer will return exactly at the point of the hibernation.

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How to change Plank dock behavior on Korora 22 [Selina]

In late 2015, I decided to upgrade my hard disk to 1 TB and try Korora Linux distribution with my new hard disk. Korora Linux distribution based on Fedora, so it will not be difficult because I use Fedora Linux before.

The reason I moved to Korora Linux distribution is because the rapid release of Fedora Linux version that I don’t particularly like. Well, from a certain angle it is good to always have the latest updates from the kernel, software applications, etc. I am also happy to have a new update of the kernel or application software, the dislike part is the short period of release cycles which cause frequent updates and sometimes have to patch and re-install my Radeon driver to adjust the new kernel version.
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Mounting remote file system using SSHFS

My difficulties in finding a prefect ways to share a folder between computers, finally ended. I found a simple and secure way to transfer files or folders between 2 computers. The real reason is I don’t want to use samba or nfs service and I just want to transfer files or folders when I needed, that’s all. I’m lazy to use flash drive too only for move some files or folders from one computer to another.
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